

  • Strict mode can now be set for inputs and outputs separatly using the --strict-inputs and --strict-outputs flags respectively. --strict sets both to true.

  • Input categories are now presented to jinja2 under the inputs variable, rather than as top-level variables themselves.

  • The default template will now include the outputs. The outputs’ categories are ignored by the default template.

  • Documenting outputs is now supported. Information regarding the outputs will be presented to jinja2 under the outputs variable in a similar structure as the inputs, but without the default field.

  • Miniwdl no longer needs to be specifically version 0.5. Version 1.0 or higher is now expected.

  • The error shown when there is no workflow in the given WDL file is now clearer.


  • Inputs without a default will now be given a None value in the default field passed to jinja2, instead of a string containing None. This should not impact generated documents (unless specific logic dealing with None values is used), as jinja will still render None values as None.


  • initial release