Custom templates

WDL-AID uses Jinja2 to generate documentation files. By default a template is provided to Jinja2 which comes packaged with WDL-AID. This default template will result in a markdown file. If you wish to generate a differently formatted file (eg. html) or simply want to change the content of the document then you can provide a custom Jinja2 template. This custom template can be passed to WDL-AID using the -t option.

The following variables are made available to the template:

  • workflow_name: The name of the workflow.

  • workflow_file: The path given as input to WDL-AID.

  • workflow_authors: A list of author information, taken from the authors field in the meta section. If this field does not contain a list its value will be wrapped in one.

  • workflow_all_authors: A list of author information taken from the authors fields from the workflow and called sub-workflows and tasks.

  • workflow_meta: A direct copy of the workflow’s meta section.

  • excluded_inputs: A list of fully-qualified inputs which are available but will be excluded from the rendering process.

  • excluded_outputs: A list of fully-qualified ouputs which are available but will be excluded from the rendering process.

  • wdl_aid_version: The version of WDL-AID used

  • inputs: A dictionary which for each input category contains a list of dictionaries. These inner dictionaries will describe an input and contains the following keys:

    • name: The (fully qualified) name of the input.

    • type: The WDL value type of the input (eg. String? or Pair[Int, Boolean]).

    • default: The default value of the input. If an input has no default, then None.

    • description: The description of the input as specified in the parameter_meta sections in the WDL file(s).

  • outputs: A dictionary which for each output category contains a list of dictionaries. These inner dictionaries will describe an output and contains the following keys:

    • name: The (fully qualified) name of the output.

    • type: The WDL value type of the output (eg. String? or Pair[Int, Boolean]).

    • description: The description of the output as specified in the parameter_meta sections in the WDL file(s).

  • extra: Whatever value is contained within the JSON file provided though the -e option, otherwise None.

Minimalistic Example

The following is a small example of a template that could be used with WDL-AID.

    <title>{{ workflow_name }}</title>
        ul { list-style: none; }
        li { background: #e5e5e5; padding: 10px; }
        li:nth-child(odd) { background: #f0f0f0; }
        dt { font-weight: bold }
    <h1>{{ workflow_name }}</h1>
    {{ workflow_description }}
    <h2>Required Inputs</h2>

    {% for ri in inputs.required|sort(attribute='name') %}
                <dd>{{ }}</dd>
                <dd>{{ ri.type }}</dd>
                <dt>default value</dt>
                <dd>{{ ri.default }}</dd>
                <dd>{{ ri.description }}</dd>
    {% endfor %}